10 Ways to be Mindful That Aren’t Meditation or Journaling

By now, we’ve all heard that mindfulness, the state of being aware of the present moment nonjudgmentally, can be attained through meditation. We also know that there are a billion different ways to meditate, such as through breathwork, visualization, mantras and even yoga. Going hand in hand with mindfulness is journaling. A lot of students… Continue reading 10 Ways to be Mindful That Aren’t Meditation or Journaling

Gratitude Journaling Prompts

When was the last time you sat down and really took stock of all that you have? Being mindful of the abundance and greatness that is all around us takes a conscious effort, there are just so many distractions (TV, news, the internet, etc..) that make it easy to overlook the beauty all around. Gratitude… Continue reading Gratitude Journaling Prompts